Combination of sketches, initial responses, colour test, 3D sketches, 1:25 model.
Our production of Fidelio is about everyday systems of oppression and asks the audience to question how ordinary people uphold these systems. The oppression is consistent, quiet, and always in the background.
The system seems at first glance to be imposing and indestructible, however, it is actually flimsy and built on unstable foundations. It is everyday people with no ill-intent who build and maintain this system by ‘just doing their jobs and ‘turning a blind eye’. In the world of surveillance, where everything can be seen, but no one is watching, what are we willing to let slide and what are we willing to forgive ourselves for? Our production asks how ordinary, everyday oppression can be overcome in order to liberate the extraordinary and celebrate our diversity and creativity as a community. Fidelio is set in a prison in Cardiff in a fictional not-too-distant future and uses a combination of professional and community performers.